Fruits and Vegetables that start with B

Hello friends, Welcome to the second part of this series of “Fruits and Vegetables Starting from A to Z.” In this post, you are going to get information about the name, scientific name, and description of fruits and vegetables that start with B only in the form of a list. Which is going to be the exact answer to the searched question as per your wish.

Fruits and Vegetables that start with B

You can also obtain those lists through our post on “Fruits and Vegetables that Start with B,” even if you are already familiar with the fruit or vegetable’s common name. Our collection showcases a wide variety of gifts that nature has to offer, from broccoli and sweet bananas to root vegetables that are cultivated in the soil and nutrient-rich beets.

Whether it’s butternut squash’s earthy richness or the overwhelming sweetness of bananas, your taste senses will be delighted. Make use of the bell pepper’s versatility in your favorite dishes or enjoy the bok choy’s nutritious crunch in a stir-fry.

Our selection of “B” fruits and vegetables has something for everyone, whether you’re a fan of these foods or a health-conscious fanatic.

Read more: Fruits and Vegetables that start A

Fruits that start with B

Here in “Fruits and Vegetables that Start with B,” we are just going to provide you with the complete list of “Fruits starting with B.” From the beloved banana to the exotic black sapote, this diverse selection satisfies all tastes. Enjoy the sweetness of blueberry, the tartness of blackberry, and the natural flavor (sour, sweet, etc.) of Barbados cherry. Explore these fruits for the ultimate delicious fruit experience.

S.N.Fruits nameScientific name or Botanical nameDescriptions
1BananaMusa spp.Sweet, elongated, yellow fruit
2BlueberryVaccinium spp.Small, round, and typically blue-purple
3BlackberryRubus fruticosusDark purple to black, with a sweet-tart flavor
4BoysenberryRubus ursinus x idaeusHybrid berry with a sweet-tart taste
5BilberryVaccinium myrtillusSmall, blue-black berries with a rich, tart flavor
6Bing CherryPrunus aviumLarge, sweet, dark red cherries
7Black CurrantRibes nigrumSmall, dark purple-black berries
8Blood OrangeCitrus × sinensisCitrus fruit with reddish pulp
9Bosc PearPyrus communisSweet, juicy pear with a russeted skin
10Buddha’s HandCitrus medica var. sarcodactylusFragrant, fingered citron fruit
11BarberryBerberis spp.Small, tart red or yellow berries
12Beach PlumPrunus maritimaSmall, purple-black plums found on the coast
13Brazilian GuavaPsidium guineenseTropical fruit with sweet, fragrant flesh
14Black SapoteDiospyros texanaAlso known as chocolate pudding fruit
15BreadfruitArtocarpus altilisStarchy fruit with a bread-like texture
16Bael FruitAegle marmelosSweet and aromatic fruit used in Indian cuisine
17Brown MombinSpondias dulcisTropical fruit with a sweet and sour taste
18Blue QuandongElaeocarpus angustifoliusBright blue fruit found in Australia
19Beach CherryEugenia reinwardtianaSmall, red to black berries found in tropical areas
20BurahemMauritia flexuosaRed fruit with a tart, edible pulp
21Barbados CherryMalpighia emarginataSmall, tangy red fruits are often used in jams
22Barbary FigOpuntia ficus-indicaPrickly pear cactus fruit
23Betel NutAreca catechuDark purple berries are used for jams and syrups
24Black ElderberrySambucus nigraSmall, red, or black currants
25BearberryArctostaphylos uva-ursiRed berries with a tart taste, used in herbal tea
26Blue HoneysuckleLonicera caeruleaTart, blue-black berries with health benefits
27Buffalo CurrantRibes aureumA wild grape variety with small, blue-black grapes
28Blue GrapeVitis cinereaEdible blueberries from an African shrub
29Blue Java BananaMusa acuminata × balbisianaAlso known as “ice cream banana.”
30BalataManilkara bidentataTropical fruit with sweet, sticky pulp
31Blue CohoshCaulophyllum thalictroidesBerries used for medicinal purposes
32Blue MyrtleMyrtus nivelleiSeeds are used as a spice and herbal remedy
33Bitter OrangeCitrus aurantiumCitrus fruit with a bitter taste
34BacabaOenocarpus bacabaSmall, purple-black fruit from South America
35Beach AlmondTerminalia catappaNut-like seed with a mild almond flavor
36Black RaspberryRubus occidentalisBlack to dark purple berries, related to raspberries
37BeautyberryCallicarpa americanaBright purple berries often used for decoration
38Burmese GrapeBaccaurea ramifloraSmall, red to purple fruits with a sour taste
39Black Diamond PlumPrunus domesticaLarge, dark-skinned plum variety
40Bishop’s WeedAmmi visnagaSeeds used as a spice and herbal remedy
41Blue CohoshCaulophyllum thalictroidesBerries used for medicinal purposes
42Bergamot OrangeCitrus bergamiaCitrus fruit with aromatic peel, used for oil
43Black Velvet TamarindDialium cochinchinenseSmall fruit with a velvet-like skin
44Blue Tongue fruitMelicope elleryanaSmall, blue fruit native to Australia
45Seeds are used as a spice and herbal remedyGustavia superbaTropical fruit with creamy, buttery flesh

Read more: brassica vegetables

Vegetables that start with B

In this paragraph, we are going to provide you with a long list of “vegetables that start with B.” From earthy beetroot to vibrant bell pepper, these selections will play a vital role in adding color and nutrition to your meals and enjoying the crunchiness of bok choy, the mildness of baby corn, and the versatile flavor of broccoli.

S.N.Vegetables nameScientific name or Botanical nameTypeDescription
1BeetBeta vulgarisRoot VegetableEdible root, often red or purple in color
2BroccoliBrassica oleracea italicaCruciferousGreen vegetable with small florets
3Bell PepperCapsicum annuumFruit VegetableVarieties include red, green, and yellow peppers
4Brussels SproutsBrassica oleraceaCruciferousMini cabbage-like vegetables on a stalk
5Butternut SquashCucurbita moschataWinter SquashYellow-orange, sweet, and nutty-flavored squash
6Bok ChoyBrassica rapa chinensisLeafy GreensChinese cabbage with thick, white stems
7Bamboo ShootsVarious speciesShootsEdible shoots of bamboo plants
8Bean SproutsVarious speciesSproutsGerminated beans used in salads and stir-fries
9Broad BeansVicia fabaLegumeLarge, flat beans often used in Mediterranean dishes
10Baby CornZea maysCornSmall ears of corn, harvested early
11Bitter GourdMomordica charantiaGourdGreen, ridged gourd with a bitter taste
12Banana PepperCapsicum annuumFruit VegetableMild, yellow pepper often used in salads
13Batavian LettuceLactuca sativaLeafy GreensCrisp lettuce variety with green leaves
14Black RadishRaphanus sativusRoot VegetableDark-skinned radish with a sharp taste
15Butterhead LettuceLactuca sativaLeafy GreensSoft leaves forming a loose head
16Boston LettuceLactuca sativaLeafy GreensTender, green lettuce with a mild flavor
17BroccoliniBrassica oleracea italicaCruciferousHybrid vegetable with long, slender stems
18Banana ShallotAllium cepa aggregatumAlliumSmall, elongated onion with a mild flavor
19Black-Eyed PeaVigna unguiculataLegumeCream-colored legume with a black “eye”
20Brown OnionAllium cepaAlliumCommon onion variety with brown skin
21Baby SpinachSpinacia oleraceaLeafy GreensSmall, tender spinach leaves
22Bull’s Blood BeetBeta vulgarisRoot VegetableBeet variety with dark red leaves
23Buttercup SquashCucurbita maximaWinter SquashRound, green squash with a sweet, nutty flavor
24Banana SquashCucurbita maximaWinter SquashLong, curved squash with a sweet taste
25Beetroot GreensBeta vulgarisLeafy GreensLeafy tops of beets, often used in salads
26Bean LeavesVarious speciesLeafy GreensEdible leaves of bean plants
27Bottle GourdLagenaria sicerariaGourdEdible gourd with elongated shape
28Black SalsifyScorzonera hispanicaRoot VegetableBlack-skinned root vegetable
29Baby ZucchiniCucurbita pepoSummer SquashSquash
Small, tender zucchini squash
30Blue PotatoSolanum tuberosumRoot VegetablePotatoes with blue or purple skin
31Butter BeansPhaseolus lunatusLegumeLima beans with a creamy texture
32Black KaleBrassica oleracea acephalaLeafy GreensDark, crinkled leaves with a robust flavor
33Baby Lima BeansPhaseolus lunatusLegumeSmall, tender lima beans
34Bamboo ShootsVarious speciesShootsEdible shoots of bamboo plants
35Butter LettuceLactuca sativaLeafy GreensMild-flavored, soft lettuce leaves
36BorageBorago officinalisHerbEdible herb with cucumber-like flavor
37Blue Hubbard SquashCucurbita maximaWinter SquashLarge, blue-gray squash with sweet, orange flesh
38Black Eyed BeanVigna unguiculataLegumeCream-colored legume with a black eye.”
39Baby EggplantSolanum melongenaFruit VegetableSmall eggplant variety
40Broccoli RabeBrassica ruvoLeafy GreensGreen vegetable with a slightly bitter taste
41Brown Mustard GreensBrassica junceaLeafy GreensSpicy, mustard-flavored greens
42Black Spanish RadishRaphanus sativusRoot VegetableDark-skinned radish with a pungent flavor
43Baby Bok ChoyBrassica rapa chinensisLeafy GreensMiniature bok choy with tender stems

Read more: list of botanical vegetables


What is a fruit starting with B?

Fruits that start with B:
Blood Orange,
Black Currant,
Bing Cherry,
Bosc Pear,
Buddha’s Hand,
Beach Plum,
Brazilian Guava,
Black Sapote,
Bael Fruit,
Brown Mombin

What vegetable starts with B?

Vegetables that start with B:
Bok Choy,
Bamboo Shoots,
Banana Pepper,
Broccoli Raab,
Baby Bok Choy,
Black Spanish Radish,
Brown Mustard Greens,
Black Eyed Bean,
Blue Hubbard Squash,
Butter Lettuce,
Baby Lima Beans,
Black Kale,
Blue Potato,
Baby Zucchini,
Black Salsify,
Bottle Gourd,
Bean Leaves,
Banana Squash,
Buttercup Squash,
Bull’s Blood Beet,
Baby Spinach.

10 Fruits that starts with letter B?

10 Fruits that start with B:
Blood Orange,
Black Currant,
Bing Cherry,
Bosc Pear,
Buddha’s Hand,

10 vegetables that starts with letter B?

10 Vegetables that start with B:
Bok Choy,
Bamboo Shoots,
Banana Pepper,
Broccoli Raab,
Baby Bok Choy,
Black Spanish Radish,
Brown Mustard Greens,
Black Eyed Bean,

You can also read for more information of Vegetable on wikipedia.

Categories: Name Plants