Purple flowering tree name | What tree has purple blooms

In this article, we are going to tell you, the name of a very beautiful, purple-flowered, tree, shrub, small plant, and vines (climbing). that reigns in everyone’s heart. it means “Purple flowering tree name” which has different popularity in the US (tree with purple flowers California and other states) and in every country of the world. So we are going to give you information about the names of these purple flowers. Which is going to be very beneficial for you.

Purple flowers tree name

“Purple flower name” is being given here which may vary depending on its plant type and flower size. Out of which some flowers are edible, some are fragrant and some are non-scented as well. We are going to present before you in the form of a table

Purple flowering tree name
S. No.Name of Purple Flowering TreeScientific Name
1JacarandaJacaranda mimosifolia
2LilacSyringa vulgaris
3LavenderLavandula spp.
4WisteriaWisteria spp.
5Purple Robe LocustRobinia pseudoacacia ‘Purple Robe’
6Purple-Leaf Sand CherryPrunus × cistena
7Purple MagnoliaMagnolia liliiflora
8Royal Empress TreePaulownia tomentosa
9Chaste TreeVitex agnus-castus
10Purple Orchid TreeBauhinia purpurea
11Purple Trumpet VineClytostoma callistegioides
12Chinese Fringe FlowerLoropetalum chinense
13Purple SageSalvia officinalis
14Purple Crape MyrtleLagerstroemia indica
15Purple-Flowering RaspberryRubus odoratus
16Purple ConeflowerEchinacea purpurea
17Jacaranda de JaneiroJacaranda caroba
18Purple BeechFagus sylvatica f. purpurea
19Purple Japanese MapleAcer palmatum f. atropurpureum
20Mexican BluebellChorisia speciosa
21Purple PassionflowerPassiflora incarnata
22Purple Hyacinth BeanLablab purpureus
23Purple Bell VineRhodochiton atrosanguineum
24Japanese BeautyberryCallicarpa japonica
25Purple Smoke TreeCotinus coggygria
26Purple-Leaf PlumPrunus cerasifera
27Purple Heart PlantSetcreasea pallida
28Purple LoosestrifeLythrum salicaria
29Mexican PetuniaRuellia simplex
30Purple AllamandaAllamanda blanchetii

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Big tree with purple flowers (what is a tall plant with purple flowers)

In this article on “Purple flowering tree name”, we are going to give you the names of such trees which you can plant on the roadside, garden, and in the courtyard of the house, that is, big size trees in which beautiful flowers of purple color bloom.

No.Name of Big Tree with Purple FlowersScientific NameMaximum-Minimum Plant Height (ft)
1JacarandaJacaranda mimosifolia40-20
2Royal Empress TreePaulownia tomentosa60-30
3Purple Robe LocustRobinia pseudoacacia ‘Purple Robe’40-20
4Purple Smoke TreeCotinus coggygria15-8
5Purple MagnoliaMagnolia liliiflora30-15
6Purple Orchid TreeBauhinia purpurea25-10
7Chinese Fringe FlowerLoropetalum chinense15-6
8Purple Crape MyrtleLagerstroemia indica25-10
9Purple-Leaf PlumPrunus cerasifera20-8
10Purple Japanese MapleAcer palmatum f. atropurpureum25-10

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Small tree with purple flowers

Names of those 10 plants that bloom with purple flowers, which are small to medium-sized trees.

No.Name of Small Tree with Purple FlowersScientific NameMaximum-Minimum Plant Height (ft)
1Purple-Leaf Sand CherryPrunus × cistena10-5
2Chinese Fringe FlowerLoropetalum chinense15-6
3Purple-Flowering RaspberryRubus odoratus6-3
4Japanese BeautyberryCallicarpa japonica6-3
5Purple BottlebrushCallistemon viminalis15-8
6Purple-Leaf Sand Cherry ‘Purple Haze’Prunus × cistena ‘Purple Haze’10-5
7Purple Heart PlantSetcreasea pallida1.5-1
8Purple LoosestrifeLythrum salicaria4-2
9Mexican PetuniaRuellia simplex3-1
10Purple AllamandaAllamanda blanchetii10-6

Read more: mulberry tree

Purple flowering plants for pots

10 Names of “Purple Flowers for Pots” to beautify your home, patio, office, garden, and other places. Some may be dark and some may be light purple

No.Name of Purple Flowering PlantScientific NameMaximum-Minimum Plant Height (ft)
1Purple Heart (Purple Queen)Setcreasea pallida1.5-1
2VerbenaVerbena spp.1.5-0.5
3PetuniaPetunia spp.1-0.5
4African VioletSaintpaulia ionantha0.5-0.2
5PansyViola × wittrockiana0.5-0.2
6LavenderLavandula spp.3-1.5
7Salvia (Purple Sage)Salvia officinalis2-1
8Heuchera (Coral Bells)Heuchera spp.1-0.5
9FuchsiaFuchsia spp.3-1
10Balloon Flower (Chinese Bellflower)Platycodon grandiflorus2-1

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Tall spiky plant with purple flowers

In this part of “Purple flowering tree name” those 10 plants are being named. Which is long but the tree has spikes. Hence the spiky tall tree with purple flowers. Tree small to medium size, with light and dark colored flowers.

No.Name of Tall Spiky Plant with Purple FlowersScientific NameMaximum-Minimum Plant Height (ft)
1Purple ConeflowerEchinacea purpurea4-2.5
2LupineLupinus spp.4-2.5
3Bee BalmMonarda spp.4-2.5
4LiatrisLiatris spp.5-2
5Veronica (Speedwell)Veronica spp.3-1.5
6Russian SagePerovskia atriplicifolia5-3
7Agastache (Hyssop)Agastache spp.4-2
8Tall Verbena (Vervain)Verbena bonariensis6-3
9DelphiniumDelphinium spp.6-3
10Salvia (Meadow Sage)Salvia spp.4-2

Read more: botanical names of trees

Dark purple flowers names

In this series of 10 names, here those plants or trees are being named which are very dear to me, “deep colored purple flowers”. Talking about the height of the plant, it can be of small, medium, or large size.

No.Name of Dark Purple FlowersScientific NameMaximum-Minimum Plant Height (ft)
1Black IrisIris ‘Black Knight’3-2
2Black HollyhockAlcea rosea ‘Nigra’8-5
3Black PansyViola x wittrockiana0.5-0.2
4Black TulipTulipa ‘Queen of Night’1-0.5
5Black PetuniaPetunia hybrida ‘Black Velvet’1-0.5
6Black Calla LilyZantedeschia spp.3-1.5
7Black Knight BuddleiaBuddleia davidii ‘Black Knight’6-3
8Black Mondo GrassOphiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’0.5-0.2
9Black OrchidCoelogyne pandurata3-2
10Black Holly (Jetbead)Rhodotypos scandens6-3

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Light purple flowers

Just opposite to the flowers mentioned in the above table, in this section, 10 names of very light purple flowers are given.

No.Name of Light Purple FlowersScientific NameMaximum-Minimum Plant Height (ft)
1LavenderLavandula spp.3-1.5
2LilacSyringa vulgaris15-6
3Balloon Flower (Chinese Bellflower)Platycodon grandiflorus2-1
4VerbenaVerbena spp.1.5-0.5
5PansyViola × wittrockiana0.5-0.2
6African VioletSaintpaulia ionantha0.5-0.2
7Balloon VineCardiospermum halicacabum10-6
8CatmintNepeta spp.3-1.5
9AsterAster spp.6-2
10Sweet AlyssumLobularia maritima0.5-0.2

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Vine plant with purple flowers – List of 10

There is a list of 10 names that are longer and climb with the help of others. That is purple flower plants with vines.

No.Name of Vine Plant with Purple FlowersScientific NameMaximum-Minimum Plant Height (ft)
1Purple Trumpet VineClytostoma callistegioides30-15
2Purple WisteriaWisteria floribunda30-10
3Purple ClematisClematis spp.20-5
4Purple PassionflowerPassiflora incarnata30-15
5Purple Bell VineRhodochiton atrosanguineum15-5
6Purple Coral PeaHardenbergia violacea10-3
7Purple Hyacinth BeanLablab purpureus10-5
8Purple Clematis ‘Jackmanii’Clematis ‘Jackmanii’12-6
9Purple MandevillaMandevilla spp.10-5
10Purple Sky VineThunbergia grandiflora20-10

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Indoor plant with small purple flowers

Names of 10 purple flowers that can be planted inside the house (Indoor), which are usually of small size. Which can be planted in most of the pots.

No.Name of Indoor Plant with Small Purple FlowersScientific NameMaximum-Minimum Plant Height (ft)
1African VioletSaintpaulia ionantha0.5-0.2
2StreptocarpusStreptocarpus spp.1-0.5
3GloxiniaSinningia speciosa1-0.5
4Columnea (Goldfish Plant)Columnea spp.2-1
5Lipstick PlantAeschynanthus spp.2-1
6Persian ShieldStrobilanthes dyerianus3-2
7Purple ShamrockOxalis triangularis0.5-0.2
8Purple Passion PlantGynura aurantiaca1.5-0.5
9Purple Heart (Purple Queen)Setcreasea pallida1.5-1
10African Daisy (Osteospermum)Osteospermum spp.1-0.5

for more information on Jacaranda, you can visit this link from Wikipedia.

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