List of Plants that Grow from Cuttings

Hello friends, You are warmly welcomed in our post. Are you prepared to increase your gardening abilities? This thorough instruction will delve into the intriguing world of plant-cutting propagation. Knowing which plants can grow from cuttings is a useful skill, whether you are an experienced horticulturist or a novice with a green thumb. Join us as we explore an environment that is diversified and vibrant, offering a list of plants that grow from cuttings, and revealing the keys to effective replication. Begin this thrilling voyage of creating new life from cuttings today!

Today I am going to introduce you to how and which plants can be propagated through cuttings for successful gardening. Therefore, in this article, you are going to get the necessary and latest information about the List of Plants that Grow from Cuttings.

Types of Cuttings

Before knowing the list of cuttings, we need to know, how many types of cuttings are there or can be done. Eg.- Softwood Cuttings, Greenwood Cuttings, Semi-Hardwood, Cuttings Hardwood Cuttings.

Softwood Cuttings:

Cuttings made from young, flexible, and actively growing stems are known as softwood cuttings. For propagating delicate plants, such as herbs and some shrubs, they root quickly. Examples: Aster, Butterfly bush, Chrysanthemum, Hydrangea, Salvia, and rose.

Greenwood Cuttings:

Right after the spring growth spurt, partially developed stems are used to make greenwood cuttings. They effectively penetrate roots and are excellent for a variety of decorative plants and shrubs. Examples: Boxwood, Dahlia, and Gardenia.

Semi-Hardwood Cuttings:

Semi-hardwood cuttings are taken from the growth of the current year when it is halfway mature. These are adaptable and effective for growing many different plants, including roses and woody ornamentals. Examples: Azalea, Camellia, and Honeysuckle.

Hardwood cuttings:

During the dormant season, woody stems that have reached full maturity are used to make hardwood cuttings. They take time but are great for growing fruit-bearing trees and shrubs. Examples: angel’s trumpet, and Crepe myrtle.

List of plants that grow from stem cuttings

Here you are going to name some plants (20 examples of plants that grow from stems) in the form of a table, which you can easily propagate by cuttings.

S. N.Plant NameScientific NameType of PlantDescription of Plant
1RoseRosa spp.FloweringPopular garden flower
2LavenderLavandula spp.HerbFragrant herb, used in oils
3BasilOcimum basilicumHerbCulinary herb with aromatic leaves
4MintMentha spp.HerbA culinary herb with aromatic leaves
5GeraniumPelargonium spp.FloweringColorful, ornamental flowers
6FuchsiaFuchsia spp.FloweringBell-shaped, vibrant flowers
7PothosEpipremnum aureumIndoorEasy-to-care indoor vine
8Jade PlantCrassula ovataSucculentThick, fleshy leaves
9Spider PlantChlorophytum comosumIndoorAir-purifying houseplant
10ColeusPlectranthus scutellarioidesAnnualColorful foliage plant
11Gerbera DaisyGerbera jamesoniiFloweringDaisy-like flowers
12ImpatiensImpatiens wallerianaFloweringShade-loving annual
13Snake PlantSansevieria trifasciataIndoorLow-maintenance houseplant
14African VioletSaintpaulia spp.FloweringSmall, delicate flowers
15ForsythiaForsythia spp.FloweringEarly spring yellow flowers
16BoxwoodBuxus spp.ShrubEvergreen ornamental shrub
17HibiscusHibiscus spp.FloweringTropical, vibrant flowers
18PoinsettiaEuphorbia pulcherrimaFloweringPopular holiday plant
19JasmineJasminum spp.ClimbingFragrant, climbing vine
20CamelliaCamellia japonicaFloweringElegant, waxy-petaled blooms

Read more: Fruits scientific name and Family

List of plants that grow from cuttings in Water and Soil

It would be helpful to you if we provide you with a list of the top 10 plant species that can be propagated by cuttings in both soil and water. With the use of this knowledge, you will be able to easily give your yard and house a fresh look, whether it be with vivid flowers like geraniums or rich interior vegetation like pothos.

S. N.Plant NameScientific NameType of PlantDescription of Plant
1PothosEpipremnum aureumIndoorEasy-to-care indoor vine
2MintMentha spp.HerbAromatic herb for teas
3BasilOcimum basilicumHerbCulinary herb with aromatic leaves
4ColeusPlectranthus scutellarioidesAnnualColorful foliage plant
5Spider PlantChlorophytum comosumIndoorAir-purifying houseplant
6African VioletSaintpaulia spp.FloweringSmall, delicate flowers
7ForsythiaForsythia spp.FloweringEarly spring yellow flowers
8Jade PlantCrassula ovataSucculentThick, fleshy leaves
9HibiscusHibiscus spp.FloweringTropical, vibrant flowers
10GeraniumPelargonium spp.FloweringColorful, ornamental flowers

Read more: Mint scientific name and family

List of plants that grow from cuttings in water indoor

Under this paragraph, we are providing a list of plants that you can propagate by cuttings through water at home. Therefore, in this way, the growing of cuttings of house plants can also be done easily.

S. N.Plant NameScientific NameType of PlantDescription of Plant
1ZZ PlantZamioculcas zamiifoliaIndoorHardy and low light-tolerant
2MonsteraMonstera deliciosaIndoorTrendy, fenestrated leaves
3Peace LilySpathiphyllum spp.IndoorElegant white blooms
4Snake PlantSansevieria trifasciataIndoorLow-maintenance houseplant
5Jade PlantCrassula ovataSucculentThick, fleshy leaves
6African VioletSaintpaulia spp.FloweringSmall, delicate flowers
7Spider PlantChlorophytum comosumIndoorAir-purifying houseplant
8BasilOcimum basilicumHerbCulinary herb with aromatic leaves
9MintMentha spp.HerbAromatic herbs for teas
10PothosEpipremnum aureumIndoorEasy-to-care indoor vine

Read more: Vegetables scientific name and Family

List of trees that grow from cuttings

In this, the list of trees that can be propagated on the basis of hardwood cuttings is given in the table below, which you can prepare for planting in places other than indoors.

S. N.Plant NameScientific NameType of TreeDescription of Tree
1WillowSalix spp.DeciduousFast-growing, often used for erosion control
2DogwoodCornus spp.DeciduousOrnamental with colorful flowers and berries
3PoplarPopulus spp.DeciduousTall, fast-growing trees often used in landscaping
4FigFicus caricaDeciduousFruit-bearing tree with large, lobed leaves
5MulberryMorus spp.DeciduousFruiting tree, leaves are food for silkworms
6OliveOlea europaeaEvergreenSource of olives and olive oil, drought-tolerant
7QuinceCydonia oblongaDeciduousSmall fruit tree with fragrant, edible fruit
8Red MapleAcer rubrumDeciduousPopular ornamental tree with vibrant fall foliage
9Japanese MapleAcer palmatumDeciduousOrnamental tree with unique leaf shapes and colors
10Crepe MyrtleLagerstroemia spp.DeciduousSmall to medium-sized ornamental tree with colorful flowers
11HazelnutCorylus spp.DeciduousNut-bearing tree, used in culinary applications
12BoxwoodBuxus spp.EvergreenVersatile, used for hedges, topiaries, and ornamental shrubs
13EucalyptusEucalyptus spp.EvergreenTall, aromatic trees native to Australia
14OakQuercus spp.DeciduousMajestic hardwood trees with iconic acorns
15GinkgoGinkgo bilobaDeciduousAncient tree with fan-shaped leaves, often used as an ornamental
16Witch HazelHamamelis spp.DeciduousShrub or small tree with unique, fragrant winter blooms
17MagnoliaMagnolia spp.DeciduousOrnamental trees with large, fragrant flowers
18BirchBetula spp.DeciduousGraceful trees with distinctive peeling bark
19Japanese CedarCryptomeria japonicaEvergreenConiferous tree with pyramidal shape
20RedbudCercis spp.DeciduousSmall to medium-sized trees with colorful spring blossoms

Read more: Trees and their botanical names

How to make money from cuttings?

If you want to earn money through cuttings, then this is going to be beneficial for you. Therefore, for this, you need that you can earn a good amount of money by selling the plants propagated by stem cuttings to others by preparing them easily in polythene bags in your garden.

There is a lot of demand for indoor plants, pots, and gardens, for fruits, flowers, and other ornamental plants in the market. And the cost of which is also high. You can learn it easily with general training, and by preparing good quality saplings, you can earn big money by supplying this demand.


Question 1: What plants can be grown from cutting?

Answer: Aster, Butterfly bush, Chrysanthemum, Hydrangea, Salvia, rose, Boxwood, Dahlia, Gardenia, Azalea, Camellia, Honeysuckle, angel’s trumpet, and Crepe myrtle.

You can also visit Wikipedia for more information on cuttings.

Categories: Name Plants