Botanical Name / Scientific Name of vegetables with Family

Botanical Name of Vegetables

Botanical Name of Vegetables – You and we eat vegetables with great fervor. And even then, why not vegetable is a part of our life. Along with filling our stomachs, this vegetable plays the main role in nutrition.

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Do we know that this vegetable plant or tree is also a family of plants ?, Is there a special name? Yes!

The botanical name of various types of vegetables with family and their English name. So many vegetables that are different family and Botanical names.

The Scientific name / Botanical name is used only for herbs or plants. Because all plants are studied under botany and their scientific classifications.

The name has been kept different for each plant based on the classification of botany. Because their nature varies.

55 Vegetables scientific name and family:

1Asparagus Asparagus officinalisAsparagaceae
2Bitter GourdsMomordica CharantiaCucurbitaceae
3BroccoliBrassica oleracea italica groupCruciferae
4Broccoli rabeBrassica rapus ruvo
5CabbageBrassica oleracea var. capitataCruciferae
6CalabashLagenaria sicerariaCucurbitaceae
7CarrotDaucus carota subsp.
8CassavaManihot esculentaEuphorbiaceae
9CauliflowerBrassica oleraceaCruciferae
10ChilliCapsicum spp.Solanaceae
11Chinese cabbageBrassica rapus chinesesis groupCruciferae
12ChivesAllium schoenoprasumAmaryllidaceae
13Cluster beanCyamopsis tetragonolobaFabaceae (Leguminosae)
14CocciniaCoccinia grandis Voigt,   Coccinia cordifolia,
Coccinia indica
15Colocasia / TaroColocasia esculentaAraceae
16Common beanPhaseolus vulgarisFabaceae (Leguminosae)
17CorianderCoriandrum sativumApiaceae (Umbelliferae)
18Cow peaVigna unguiculataFabaceae (Leguminosae)
19CucumberCucumis sativusCucurbitaceae
20Curry plant (Leaves)Murraya koenigiiRutaceae
21DrumstickMoringa oleiferaMoringaceae
Solanum melongenaSolanaceae
23Elephant foot YamAmorphophallus paeoniifoliusAraceae
24GarlicAllium sativumAmaryllidaceae
25Honey dew (Melon)Cucumis meloCucurbitaceae
26Hyacinth beanLablab purpureusFabaceae (Leguminosae)
27Jack fruitArtocarpus integraMoraceae
28LeekAllium porrumAlliaceae
29LettuceLactuca sativaAsteraceae
30Lima beanPhaseolus limensisFabaceae (Leguminosae)
31LuffaLuffa aegyptiacaCucurbitaceae
32Mint (Pudina)Mentha arvensisLamiaceae
Lady Finger
Abelmoschus esculentusMalvaceae
34OnionAllium cepaAmaryllidaceae
35PapayaCarica papayaCaricaceae
36ParsleyPetroselinum crispumApiaceae (Umbelliferae)
37PeaPisum sativumFabaceae (Leguminosae)
38Peanut, GroundnutArachis hypogaeaFabaceae (Leguminosae)
39Pointed gourdTrichosanthes dioicaCucurbitaceae
40PotatoSolanum tubersumSolanaceae
41PumpkinCucurbita maximaCucurbitaceae
42RadishRaphanus sativusBrassicaceae (Cruciferae)
43RutabagaBrassica napusBrassicaceae
44Snake gourdTrichosanthes cucumerinaCucurbitaceae
45SoybeanGlycine maxFabaceae (Leguminosae)
46SpinachSpinacia oleraceaAmaranthaceae
47Spiny gourdMomordica dioicaCucurbitaceae
48TomatoSolanum lycopersicum L.Solanaceae
49TurnipBrassica rapusCruciferae
50WatermelonCitrullus lanatusCucurbitaceae
51Wax gourdBenincasa hispidaCucurbitaceae
52Welsh onionAllium fistulosumAmaryllidaceae
53Wild carrotDaucus carotaApiaceae
54Wild yamDioscorea villosaDioscoreaceae
55Winged beanPsophocarpus TetragonolobusFabaceae (Leguminosae)

These many vegetable plants are different are the accessories. But their property is religion different – different. They are classified on the basis of that only. So is known by the Botanical name.

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Also, read more details of Name only – click here

Also read Organic Farming

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Answer: The answer to all these questions asked is the same as given above. In this post, a small effort has been made by us to reach you by collecting information related to vegetables, please share this post as much as possible so that the information can reach more people. Finally – thanks for visiting and reading this post.

Categories: Name Plants

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