Mango tree botanical name and family

Mango – which has been awarded the name of the king of fruits. It is a seasonal fruit, which is climbed from the mango tree till the month of March to June. Its juicy, tasty and attractive colours (green in Raw state and yellow, golden and other colours when ripe) because of this, it is called the king of fruits.

Botanical name / Scientific name: Mangifera indica

Family: Anacardiaceae

Classifications of the Mango tree


Some questions and answers for mango

Question no. 1: What is the local name of a mango?

Answer: The local name of mango – Aam (Hindi), stone fruit.

Question no. 2: What is the genus of mango tree?

Answer: Genus of the Mango: Mangifera

Question no. 3: What is family is mango?

Answer: The king of the fruit Mangos family is Anacardiaceae

Question no. 4: What is the scientific name of mango?

Answer: Mangifera indica is the scientific name of mango.

Question no. 5: What is the order of mango tree?

Answer: The order of Mango – Sapindales

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Categories: Name Plants

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