What is the Botanical name of Sitafal (Custard apple)?

Name – Sitafal

Botanical nameAnnona squamosa

Family – Annonaceae

English Name of Sitafal – Custard apple

The common name – Custard apple, Sugar-apple, Cherimoya, Sweetsop, chitafal, sweet apple.

Custard apple plant is a fruitful tree of the Annonaceae family, easily grown in a tropical climate, which is laden with fruits with a medium height. The fruit is extremely tasty and ice cream and other sweets are also made from its fruit.

Custard apple

Some questions and their answers of sitafal

Question no.1:- Benefits of sitafal

Answer :- Helps in controlling blood pressure.

Its continuous consumption keeps the skin and hair helthy.

Its use is also very beneficial in weight loss.

Helpful for summer disease.

It also helps in acidity.

It helps to strengthen bones.

Women do not have Leucorrhoea disease due to its consumption.

Keeps the mind cool and it refreshes the mood.

Also useful for Asthma patients.

It has the quality of strengthening the digestive power.

It is also helpful controlling sugar disease.

Question no. 2 :- What is the sitafal in Hindi

Answer :- It’s Hindi name is sharifa and also sitaphal.

Question no. 3 :- What is the sitafal in English

Answer :- Custard apple is the English name.

To know more about Sitaphal, you can visit the following link.

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